Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Dracula Essential Questions

Last week I told you that I would publish the essential questions for Dracula. I did love this book I would strongly recommend that you beware filter wise of which website you use to help you understand the book. I have only used sparknotes but just beware there are some pretty mature things I didn't pick up on that sparknotes mentions. Anyways I did very much enjoy this book even though I did read it in December. I decided to read this book because I liked Frankenstein that my class read. The comparisons between what the book is acutally based on and how vampires and Dracula is viewed today is so fascinating to me!
    The quote I am going to start this off with is " Literature has been called a handbook for the art of a human being. Every Story we about us, in one way or another" (Cameron Wright, The Rent Collector, 94).  I am going to keep my answers to a MINIMUM  of three sentances each.
1. What does the novel teach you about being human?
A- Dracula teaches about overcoming fear. Dracula is about  putting the natural wishes of man (like the strongest will not to do something) aside for the greater good. The whole' Van Helsing team' demonstrates that when they all talk about how terrible the situation is and how scared the all are.

2. What character, event, or theme speaks to you?
A- Mina Murray speaks to me the most because of her bravery. Mina is the definition of a courageous woman she did things for the greater good of the 'Van Helsing Team'. Mina put others before herself, was extremely kind and courageous. Woman in the 1900s were sometimes viewed as very delicate and unable to handle much. Mina, to the contrary of her century was very tough and overall a fantastic woman.

3. Why is this novel considered a classic?
A- When I look at this question I think what makes Frankenstein, A Christmas Carol, Little women,   and To Kill a Mocking Bird so well read and so old. First I think that the older the book the more of a classic it is. It's kind of like when your parents hear a song from their 'glory days' and say "this song is a classic" you know it's old and sometimes assoticate old with being a classic. Honestly though I think that this book is a classic simply because it speaks truth, maturity, wisdom, knowledge, and understanding that when people read it they can relate it to them. Dracula is a classis because it speaks to the heart for all ages and all time periods.

4.Is this text still relevant Today?
A- Dracula is absolutely 100% relevant today. I mean come on, Halloween, Twilight, Vampire Diaries, and all those sappy vampire T.V  shows that come on all the freaking time. Through one book millions of poems short stories,  plays, books,  andT.V shows were born all based on the same ideas of Dracula. Even if the theme of the story is different  the 'Van Helsing Team' showed curage team work and sacrifice.

5. What does this  novel reveal about our world?
A-  Dracula  reveals dedication, courage, and (the biggest thing for me) POTENTIAL. The 'Van Helsing Team' revealed that through a group of terrified, sad, scared, people wanting their friends(Johnathon and Lucy) to be avenged killed a horrible, mean and cruel monster that has been hunted down for hundred of years. The Count has had man hunt him and try and kill him for centuries! Then some friends who are sick and tired of the Count gets rid of him in less then a 3 month time period!!! This book is leaking potential.  Dracula  reveals potential. POTENTIAL, POTENTIAL, POTENTIAL!

6. What social inequalities are present in the text and how does it compare to your world?
A-There are many social inequalities in Dracula. Lucy's fiancé is Arthur a.k.a. Lord Goodlming. Arthur's title is very helpful in the destruction of Count Dracula. The title is used to get a locksmith, important inquires about the boxes of earth, carriages and used to hide any suspicion that others may have. The other social inequality is the position that women are in in the 1900s. Some people wouldn't call that a social inequality  which is true  however, there is a social inequality between women of our age and women of madam Mina. In our day women are less 'danity', fragile, and innocent.  Count Dracula also has a social inequality. Count Dracula is viewed as the all powerful super powerlord .There also was a social inequality between Quincy Morris and the rest of the 'Van Helsing Team'. Quincy Morris seems  socially distant from the rest of the team. I am not saying that Quincy is better or less then the rest of the 'Van Helsing Team'. Being the only one from America he just has that distant no sense of belonging feel to him.  In relation to the question Quincy Morris's social inequality is like being the new kid at school. The new kid in school is quiet, distant and their head is still back in their old school hanging out with old friends.  Arthur's inequality is like the popular English Drama Downton Abbey(which by the way is fantastic!). A major character in the show is Lord Granthum. He is respected and honored as a lord and used the title a few times to benefit him a specific unorthodox way. The Count Dracula's social inequality is like (for those majority republicans in Utah) President Barack Obama, not in a sense of killing or assassination but in the sense that some Utahs(most) feel like he is killing the country and is using his power like crazy as Dracula did. Dracula also hypnotized many people and some would agree( my job is to stay completely neutral in this ) that our dear President is getting his way where ever whenever he wants. Mina's social inequality compared in our world today is there to some extent. Most men let the women eat first, open doors for them, spare them of the more challenging mental or physical tasks.(That's why there are more male seminary teacher.. that's a joke :) There are many social inequalities in Dracula  that are applicable in our world today.

7. Select a modern text: how does it relate to your honors reading?
A- Honestly I am not sure what this question means especially since this is my honors reading but  Dracula relates to my honors text because it is my honors text.  Dracula  relates to Dracula because they are the same thing so everything is related to each other.

8. What if this novel was re-written for today's audiences? What would it look like?
A- If Dracula was re-written  for the twenty first century it would be something like 50 Shades of Grey  especially because there are some words that I didn't know their meaning and they meant some pretty adult words. Dracula also would NOT  and NOT EVER be a classic. I think that the ways the new books are I can't see them ask classics or books that my grand kids would love to read. The books coming out today seem to modern and way way to out there for them to be a classic(except hunger games). Dracula would look like  scarlet red book with maybe some teeth  on the cover. The whole cover would be very dramatic. Books that are coming out today have to be very very dramatic. If Dracula  was re-written today it would be  a pretty adult dramatic book.

9. In what ways does your life or personality resemble the main character within the text? Compare and contrast.
A- The Main character that I like the most is Mina so I am going to compare and contrast with her.
She was in the 1900s,  Mina keeps a journal more consistently then I do,  Mina is a assistant school teacher, Mina is a lot braver then me. she is a lot more calm.
 Mina and I have a big personality, Mina and I are both girls, Mina and I are very smart, Mina and I both have a best friend, Mina and I both love technology, Mina and I love acting secretary.
10-Joseph Campbell identified a formula for literiture known as the "Hero's Journey".  How does this text follow the story line?
A-The following picture is a view of a Hero's Journey . Johnathon; when he visits the Count that is his call to adventure. The crucifix that he has is the supernatural aid. In the Beginning of the book Count Dracula acts as the threshold of  gardians. The helper and Mentor is Mina. The letters he writes is his final helper as he goes through the challenges and temptations stage. The challenges and temptation stage is when Johnathon realizes that he is trapped. The vampire women and Count's terror is the Abyss  and death. Johnathon's transformation is when he is in the hospital and Mina comes to aid him. Atonement is the process that Johnathon goes through in the time that passes after the hospital  until Mina writes letters to Dr. Seward and Van Helsing. The return is when the 'Van Helsing Team' returns to get rid of Dracula once and for all.
11. Every piece of writing calls the reader to make a change. What change is this author attempting inspire and how is this agenda manifest in the text?
A- The change that the reader goes through in Dracula is trusting the Count in the beginning and then changing the reader's view to know that he is a terrible wicked man/monster. The Author goes about that by showing how nice the Count is and his generosity. At the very beginning the author makes the reader feel uneasy about Count and slowly builds up the uneasy feeling like a crescendo until Van Helsing clarifies it.
12.How does the protagonist/antagonist change throughout the course of the story?
A-The Count Dracula the antagonist changes though the story. Dracula seems mysterious in the beginning of the book and  crescendos into evil terrible monster. Then the Count tappers off when Van Helsing and the team find him at his house in Carfax. In Carfax he act truly desperate and almost scare. Count Dracula goes from this mysterious odd character who goes evil and then finally seems desperate and scared to die.
                        This is my last blog post this year see you January 7 2015! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 11, 2014


For this week's post I am going to do a brief overview of Dracula. I have been reading Dracula for a honors English assignment. I will have the rest of the assignment on my next weeks post. You may ask why I am reading Dracula at Christmas time  and to answer that I put this semester assignment off  and liked reading Frankenstien and so I thought Dracula would be a good fit.  I am going to summarize the first half of the book
Johnathon Harker is a young  home soliciter(of sorts) he goes on a mysterious ride to the home of Count Dracula. The Count is  skinny tall man with a black cape and white beard with sharp white teeth and a scar on his forhead. The Count only lets Johnathan into 4 rooms of the big majestic house. Johnathan spends most of his days in the library and the Count only comes to talk to him in the night. Johnathan never sees the Count eat and never sees the Count in the day. After a few weeks of staying with the Count Johnathan feels like he is getting nowhere in terms of the estate and the Count's interest to buy an estate in London. The Count on a few occasions has Johnathon write 3 letters to his fiancé Mina, his boss and another friend. The Count then requests that Jognathon stay  one more month. By this time Johnathan is getting scared. Gypsies visit the castle and do work inside the castle for the Count. One night Johnathan sees the count scale the castle walls and run off. There are a few more other creepy experiences. Johnathon wanders the house and runs into some female vampire, realizing the Count is a Vampire Johnathon scales the castle walls to get to the Counts room. Johnatan discovers some scary things. Johnathon visits the Count's room one more time. Johnathon even tried to give letters to the Gypsies to get posted but the gypsies give the letters to the Count. Count Dracula is very mysterious and is clever and throws the letters into the fire. Johnathon is terrified.
     Mina, Johnathon's fiancé takes narrating over telling of her experiences visiting a village with her friend Lucy. Lucy is engaged also to Arthur (aka Lord Goodlming). There are many things that happen to the village while the pair visits. Lucy is a sleep walker and one day  walks out of the hotel room and wanders off. Lucy then is bent over at a bench and some black figure is bent over her. Mina saves her but realizes two small puncture holes on Lucy's neck. Meanwhile Mina is very concerned for Johnathan because she has not heard from him in weeks.  As the days go by Lucy looks pailer and has less energy. After Two months Mina finds out that Johnathon is in a hospital with a severe brain fever. Lucy and Mina depart.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Emotion from an emotionless man

Sorry about the late post but I am on vacation anyways in English my class is reading a Christmas Carol we finished stave 2 and so for this post I wrote a poem called Emotion from an Emotionless Man
There is a Christmas tale from long ago,
When a man nastier then you could know,
Is whisked back to the past to see himself low,
Twas emotion so great that he demanded to go,

He saw himself as a child full and happy,
His beloved sister with him he was sappy,
He saw his boyhood ever so neglected and scrappy, He with his apprenticer celebrated Christmas in the Abbey.

While much emotion lived on,
Slowly Scrooge could feel a new dawn,
And the Christmas he couldn't help but feel drawn,
With all the happy and sad and in between he demanded to be gone.

While emotion gauges g out higher Scrooge felt much worry,
The emotion, raw power of the past his eyes got blurry,
He felt wrong out of place like a mouse with no scurry,
Over and over he demanded out and demanded with it much hurry.