Thursday, December 11, 2014


For this week's post I am going to do a brief overview of Dracula. I have been reading Dracula for a honors English assignment. I will have the rest of the assignment on my next weeks post. You may ask why I am reading Dracula at Christmas time  and to answer that I put this semester assignment off  and liked reading Frankenstien and so I thought Dracula would be a good fit.  I am going to summarize the first half of the book
Johnathon Harker is a young  home soliciter(of sorts) he goes on a mysterious ride to the home of Count Dracula. The Count is  skinny tall man with a black cape and white beard with sharp white teeth and a scar on his forhead. The Count only lets Johnathan into 4 rooms of the big majestic house. Johnathan spends most of his days in the library and the Count only comes to talk to him in the night. Johnathan never sees the Count eat and never sees the Count in the day. After a few weeks of staying with the Count Johnathan feels like he is getting nowhere in terms of the estate and the Count's interest to buy an estate in London. The Count on a few occasions has Johnathon write 3 letters to his fiancĂ© Mina, his boss and another friend. The Count then requests that Jognathon stay  one more month. By this time Johnathan is getting scared. Gypsies visit the castle and do work inside the castle for the Count. One night Johnathan sees the count scale the castle walls and run off. There are a few more other creepy experiences. Johnathon wanders the house and runs into some female vampire, realizing the Count is a Vampire Johnathon scales the castle walls to get to the Counts room. Johnatan discovers some scary things. Johnathon visits the Count's room one more time. Johnathon even tried to give letters to the Gypsies to get posted but the gypsies give the letters to the Count. Count Dracula is very mysterious and is clever and throws the letters into the fire. Johnathon is terrified.
     Mina, Johnathon's fiancĂ© takes narrating over telling of her experiences visiting a village with her friend Lucy. Lucy is engaged also to Arthur (aka Lord Goodlming). There are many things that happen to the village while the pair visits. Lucy is a sleep walker and one day  walks out of the hotel room and wanders off. Lucy then is bent over at a bench and some black figure is bent over her. Mina saves her but realizes two small puncture holes on Lucy's neck. Meanwhile Mina is very concerned for Johnathan because she has not heard from him in weeks.  As the days go by Lucy looks pailer and has less energy. After Two months Mina finds out that Johnathon is in a hospital with a severe brain fever. Lucy and Mina depart.

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