Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Double Wammy

     I am so sorry me week got so busy. This week I am double posting for last week my Utah Compose assignment(errors and all) and for this week my opinion on todays English bellwork.

Utah compose:
      Muskets loaded aimed at devils in red. Shots fired from behind rocks and tree leaving many of those devils dead. The shooters believed in basic ideals about unalienable rights and a fair government. The devils in red were the British red coats, the shooters were American colonists called Minuete Man, and the battle was after the Redcoats had beat the colonists at Lexington and Concord. The battle of Lexington and Concord was part of the Revolutionary war. The Revolutionary war was the most historic wars of all time. There after the Revolutionary war the ideals of defense and unalienable rights were passed down from generation. These ideas are instilled in American's brains so much that many think that these ideas were bred into Americans. I know that the topic for this paper is the true origin of violence in America and the media's apperance in America. Many would think limiting guns and video games is the solution however, It is my belief that limiting or restricting is not the way to solve any problem. The answer for this prompt is in the fact that Americans were bred on defense, knowing their rights in the constition, and that the media is not to blame.
 Many people think the bulk of the origin of violence is from technoligy media or guns. There is one purpatrator that Americans often neglect. This purpatrator is that American's were bred on defense. Ever since the Revolutionary war Americans have been very particular on their defense. After England lost, America was a very fragile country for a very long time and colonists were worried that another counrty would come and try to conquer them. In turn that fear was passed down and eventally bred into Americans. Defense is having the means at any time to defend yourself at any cost when you feel scared. Colonists kept guns, their children kept guns and their children's children had guns all the way down to the 21st centuray. Violence is the opposite of defense, or rather defense taken to far is violence. Rather then blaming mental illness, health issues, family problems, or even the media has anyone ever thought that those involved in shootings were scared? According to the article Does Media Violence Lead to the Real Thing it states " Although exposure to violent media isn't the only or even the strongest risk factor for violence, it's more easily modified then othe risk factors like being male or having a low socioeconomic status or low I.Q." These people had reason to be scared. I am not shrinking responsibliltiy for those who did/do things like that but individuals who are resoponsible may simply be scared and those people have great reason to be.  In my opinion I think violence in America originated from defense. It is how people use defense that can make it violent. Defense or violence has been in our herritage since the begining of our counrty and Americans were bred on defense. Since the Revolutionary war Americans were bred on defense and that may be viewed as violence depending on how a person defends themselves.
 Americans were bred on their consitutional rights and that may contribute to the war on violence. The Revolutionary war was the war wher Americans firmly established who they are and what exactly the gvermant and the population can and can not do. Based on interpritaion may people that in the ammendmants of the United States Constitution there is a clause that states that Americans have the right to bear arms and that the govermant can tnot take that right away. While poeple have good intentions for gun control it is in American herritage that Americans are very protective of their rights. I do not think that having some gun control is worth loosing a right that is clearly spelled out in the constitution. There are many problems in this nation and many poeple think that the answer is to take away or limit a right that is mention in the constitution. When you have a nation where the population is essentially bred on the knowledge of their rights and limitations and you limit a right it will cause a historic uproar for the whole nation. There is considerable evidance to show go against limiting Americans rights. The band on Alchohol and the prohibitaion ammendmant caused national uproar and the prohibitation only lasted 14 years. It had absolutley no benifit on siocioty. In 1971 President Nixon declared a war on drugs. Now almost 50 years later the trenches of the drug war have long since collapsed. This long effort at prohibitation also has not worked and infacts according to an article called Violence: The American Way of Life it states " the war on drugs resulted in deaths of thousands of Americans . This prohibitatino fostered a creation of international crimeinal cartels. The war on drugs made America and the whole world worse off then they were before the war was declared. Bottom line, Takign away a right is not the way to solve problems, they only make things worse.
The modern American has fictionalized that a large portion of the 'war on violence' is the media's fault or that modern American has a violent culture. The media's job is to report everything. The media understands that the American people have a right to know. The idea that the American people want to blame the news is garbage. If the American people want to blame the media then they need to thank or credit the media for reporting 'good' things. Therefore since the American people dont credit the media the media can no loneger be held accountable. Modern American is bred on defense and constitutional rights, that is tour culture that is who we are. So the question is do I think modern America is violent? No, Modern America does not have a vioent culture because I think that modern America has more access to things that may make our culture violent. Take for example the media, if there is 'violent' things on the media and I as an American have easier acces to read the media does that make me or my life have a 'violent' culture? NO. Sure I may be very teritorial on defense but that and the media does not make me have a vioent culture.
 Americans were bred on defense and constituion. While defense may seem like violence it clearly is not. Taking a right away to limit violence will not nor has ever been a solution worth achieving. Since the Revolutionary war we were bred on two idas it is part of our heritage and our culture. Violence however is not. The media is not at all held accountable for the violence that it reports because we do not credit the media for the good thingd they do. Thank you!

Today's bellwork: the question was something to the extent of : what can we learn from older texts/stories?
My Answer: Things that we can learn from older texts/stories are: history, the culture of the time period, the things those in that era thought, what is within social norm and what is not within the social norm.
I an going to do a brief 3-5 sentence summary on each thing listed.
History- History repeats itself. Older literature gives us views on how view history. By looking at how others view historical events it can help us be prepared for a repeat and it can help us look on the bright side and be a mental helper if we ever come across that historical event.
Culture of the time: Old(der)literature will help us understand the culture of that time period. In the literature there is (not generalizing here)  the music, fashion, population, government, language, writing styles, art fads, house plans, fad color swatches, healthcare advances, furniture fads, government protests, or even new countries. This is all a small part of the word culture. How peoples' culture is bases on how the write and interpret literature.
Social Norm.- Social Norm is what people view as socially acceptable. Inside Social Norm are things that are only normal in that particular era( bellbottom pants, the Beetles, powdered wigs). Social Norm plays a massive role on how we can learn things from texts in that time because by reading the literature we get an understanding for how they views things going on in THEIR world.
Outside of Social Norm- Outside of the Social Norm are things that are done that is not viewed at socially acceptable or 'normal'. Things that are outside of social Norm now would be like convicting women on witch craft like the Puritans did. While that was within Social Norm if you did that today it would be Outside Social Norm because you would be considered crazy and weird. Outside Social Norm plays a role in what we can learn from older literature because many literature  outline things that the 'wierdos' do telling us that was acceptable and what was not acceptable in that era.


Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The Last Juror

The Last Juror     Well I first want to apologize to however is reading this because I posted late. It get's hard to remember that you have a blog sometimes. This post is about my favorite author and the book I am reading for this quarter.  You are in for a little treat because I actually posted pictures!!! Hopefully pictures will make my blog more interesting for you and for me. So based on the picture you can predict that the book is called The Last Juror by John Grisham. Since I have not finished the book I got this short summary from wikipedia
In 1970, the first person narrator, a 23-year-old college drop-out by the name of Willie Traynor, comes to Clanton, Mississippi for an internship at the local newspaper, The Ford County Times. However the editor, Wilson Caudle, drives the newspaper into bankruptcy through years of mismanagement. Willie decides to buy the paper spontaneously for fifty thousand dollars, using money borrowed from his wealthy grandmother, and becomes the editor and owner of The Ford County Times. Months later, a member of the notorious and scandalous Padgitt family brutally rapes and kills a young widow named Rhoda Kassellaw. The murderer, Danny Padgitt, is put on trial. Before being found guilty, Danny threatens to kill each of the jury members, should they convict him. Although they do find him guilty, the jury cannot decide whether to send him to life in prison or to Death Row, so Danny is sentenced to life in prison at the Mississippi State Penitentiary.
After only nine years in prison, Danny Padgitt is paroled and returns to Clanton. Immediately, two jury members are killed and one is nearly killed by a bomb. Jury member and close friend of Willie, Miss Callie Ruffin, reveals that the recent victims were the jurors who were against sentencing Danny to Death Row......
As you can imagine from the title at some point what happens in the rest of the book upon stumbling on this I found out the ending(by accident)...
Moving On..
John Grisham- John Grisham's books usually deal with the legal field and lawyers. I am drawn to books like this and I think John is an AMAZING author.  Here is his biography from Wikipedia
John Ray Grisham, Jr. (/ˈɡrɪʃəm/; born February 8, 1955)[2][3] is an American lawyer, politician, and author, best known for his popular legal thrillers. His books have been translated into forty-two languages. John Grisham graduated from Mississippi State University before attending the University of Mississippi School of Law in 1981. He practiced criminal law for about a decade, and served in the House of Representatives in Mississippi from January 1984 to September 1990.[4] He began writing his first novel, A Time to Kill, in 1984, and it was published in June 1989.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Points and Biasism

     Hi, welcome back! I hope that your break was enjoyable! In the past my posts have been on random days during the week and this semester I would like to keep it on a regular date so due to class conflicts and such posts will be posted on Tuesday 99% of the time for the rest of the semester.
     In my English class we are getting into argument papers unit. Yesterday we did the difference between an argumentative paper and a persuasive paper. I being on the speech and debate team for my high school like argumentative papers much more then persuasive papers. For today's blog post I am going to explain the difference between argumentative and persuasive papers while also giving my personal views on each. Happy reading!!!

Argumentative paper- An argumentative paper is a paper more based on logical thinking, involves a claim and is backed by warrants of evidence. There are a few arguments of an argument paper they are as follows:
 -Evidence or a warrant
-An explanation to how the evidence proves the claim
-Things to support the warrant
-Qualifications and rebutals
- Counter arguments that refute

Kalea's take- Argumentaive papers are great to be read aloud. Argumentative papers have a  lot of emotion and need to be treated as such. When you type or read an Argumentive paper you need to act like you have confidence (even if you don't). The biggest thing for an argumentive paper is that you constantly repeat what you believe. When I create my debate brief I am basically writing an argumentative paper and so when I write briefs and argument papers I try to get myself in the competitive aggressive mindset that I need for my debate rounds.

Persuasive paper: The word of advertisements is nothing but persuasion. When a piece of writing tries to convince the reader about the efficacy or efficiency about a product or service, it is known as persuasive writing. However, it is an umbrella term that includes all writing that is done to convert the opinion of the reader so that he finally accepts the point of view of the author. Persuasive writing makes heavy use of logic to drive home the point. This style of writing appears to have a personal touch where the writer seeks to speak in a direct manner with the reader. At the end of the piece, there is always a call for action from the writer.

Kalea's take: When you compare argumentative and persuasive papers the argument paper is the dad and the persuasion paper is the mom. Persuasion is less in your face, less in-your-face, and less evidence is required to make your point. Like mothers persuasion requires less questioning on the down side of things. When I do persuasion papers I keep the paper upbeat, keep grasp of the readers attention,  and I use things that my reader can relate to. I like to use words and points that are the simplest and leave the least amount of room for questions. Argument papers are more about proving a point and persuasion papers are more giving a bias version  to the reader of the point keeping the readers interest  at all times.
               Thanks for reading see you next week