Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Points and Biasism

     Hi, welcome back! I hope that your break was enjoyable! In the past my posts have been on random days during the week and this semester I would like to keep it on a regular date so due to class conflicts and such posts will be posted on Tuesday 99% of the time for the rest of the semester.
     In my English class we are getting into argument papers unit. Yesterday we did the difference between an argumentative paper and a persuasive paper. I being on the speech and debate team for my high school like argumentative papers much more then persuasive papers. For today's blog post I am going to explain the difference between argumentative and persuasive papers while also giving my personal views on each. Happy reading!!!

Argumentative paper- An argumentative paper is a paper more based on logical thinking, involves a claim and is backed by warrants of evidence. There are a few arguments of an argument paper they are as follows:
 -Evidence or a warrant
-An explanation to how the evidence proves the claim
-Things to support the warrant
-Qualifications and rebutals
- Counter arguments that refute

Kalea's take- Argumentaive papers are great to be read aloud. Argumentative papers have a  lot of emotion and need to be treated as such. When you type or read an Argumentive paper you need to act like you have confidence (even if you don't). The biggest thing for an argumentive paper is that you constantly repeat what you believe. When I create my debate brief I am basically writing an argumentative paper and so when I write briefs and argument papers I try to get myself in the competitive aggressive mindset that I need for my debate rounds.

Persuasive paper: The word of advertisements is nothing but persuasion. When a piece of writing tries to convince the reader about the efficacy or efficiency about a product or service, it is known as persuasive writing. However, it is an umbrella term that includes all writing that is done to convert the opinion of the reader so that he finally accepts the point of view of the author. Persuasive writing makes heavy use of logic to drive home the point. This style of writing appears to have a personal touch where the writer seeks to speak in a direct manner with the reader. At the end of the piece, there is always a call for action from the writer.

Kalea's take: When you compare argumentative and persuasive papers the argument paper is the dad and the persuasion paper is the mom. Persuasion is less in your face, less in-your-face, and less evidence is required to make your point. Like mothers persuasion requires less questioning on the down side of things. When I do persuasion papers I keep the paper upbeat, keep grasp of the readers attention,  and I use things that my reader can relate to. I like to use words and points that are the simplest and leave the least amount of room for questions. Argument papers are more about proving a point and persuasion papers are more giving a bias version  to the reader of the point keeping the readers interest  at all times.
               Thanks for reading see you next week

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