Thursday, March 26, 2015

Subjectivity of a subject

     The steryotypes bug me. When a person gets up to speak and is very narrow on their point of view to the point where it is almost steryotyping or supporting a common steryotpe. Like for instance in English today we watched a women talk about inequality within our own neighboorhoods and giving this idea of what a 'happy' neighborhood was. While some will say she set her definiton for a happy neighborhood, who is to say that a 'happy' neighborhood can still be happy without her definition, or that a 'happy' neighborhood means something to someone else? The defintion of the word to describe this is called Subjective from the Free Dictionary is existing in the mind; belonging to the thinking subject rather than to the object of thought (opposed to objective).  Basically it means that different things can be different things to different people(we get this in debate alot!). I get you want to voice your opinion in words and things that are truely you. However, people in general don't know you, they dont know why you say the thngs you do or what those words mean to you. Here's my problem with it though: When you speak back your words up as with as much evidance as you possibly can, the more evidance you have(this is for speaking in general and debating) the more people are cnvinced to believe your defintion, idea, theory, or point, and the less subjective it becomes. Your speech becomes less subjective because the evidance proves your idea is commonly thought of, used and accepted, therefore making less generalization. 

So what's my point of this spill? Evidance, dont create or encourage steryotypes, and go through your speech and solve things that mean different things for different people because that WILL  make points fall.
Until next time, Kalea 

Thursday, March 19, 2015

For this week's blog post I am going to do something a bit different. In my English class we have been reading Of Mice and Men . In the last chapter something dramatic happens and they way it was written was interesting to me. The way the passage was written(will not post b/c spoilers) was the hard truth, yet sugar coated, it was harsh, yet kind. I am going to minic this sytle of writting by an expierience that I had last night. I was ice skating.

"I get out on the ice and the chill from the surface bites my fingers. My feet shift and slide under the shiny surface. I am confident. I am nervous. My friends grab the shiny wall and hold on for dear life. When my feet gain consiousness I slowley start my way I feel another cold chill as I break the unbroken solid wind. Now my legs gain consiousness. I hear noices of skates coming to a skretching stop. My eyes fill with terror. People are falling with a loud thud. Later on I gain confidence. I welcome the cold chills, and the icy thrills. I spin in circles. I go around the rink and myself spinning in tight circles. I want to show everything that the ice rink means to me. I want them to see the falls, the icy chills, the accidents with the plexi glass, the sharp blade on my skates, the blisters on my feet, the stress knots forming on my neck before each preformance, the yells from my coach, the mess ups, the victories, I want to show them everything the ice rink stands for".

This is harsh, sweet, happy, horrible and sad, it is the emotions.

"It's Great!"

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Image result for the statistical probability of love at first sight Since the end of he term is nigh here is my honors book project. I read The Statistical Probability of Falling in Love At First sight.  In accordance with this project I will be posting my essential questions. To give you a bit of info on this book it is written by Jennifer E. Smith. This book will be a movie called First Sight coming in an unannounced time here's the link for more info

There also is a 30 second video clip that sets the stage for this loveable book and here is the link for it:        You will have to copy and paste the link into your browser. Now on to the essential questions, I will be doing them in 3 sentances or less.
1-What does the novel teach you about being human?
A- This book teaches us that love is a crazy, irrational, irlogical, unexplainable feeling. When you go against human nature and you care about someone more then yourself it can create wonderful chaos. The Statistical Probability illustrates just that, the crazy unexplainable world of love.

2. What character, event, or theme speaks to you? 
For me there is an event and how it effects the character that spoke to me the most in this book. Hadley's(the main character) parents divorced, her dad remarries and the emotions that go with a remarriage. My uncle remarried and the emotions that I had just as his niece about the remarriage to an extent I got her feelings. Any remarriage involves feelings of concern, love, worry, anxiousness, happiness, anger, and frusteration. Remarriage is a paradox, you have people who are worried about you and the new marriage, feelings from the injured party involved in the first marriage, excitement that two people are in love, the start of a new day, and there is the undecided.
3. Why is this novel considered a classic?
The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight is considered a classic becuase it is in the works for a movie, and this book is pretty popular.
4. Is this text still relevent today?
Absolutely, this book is not even 5 years old yet. The book is relevent today because it has been written in a time relevent to us. This book also relevent because the love story in this book is socially and physically legitimate today.
5. What does this novel reveal about our world?
This novel reveals a love story that is legitimate in our world today. The Statistical Probality of Love at First Sight (abbreviated as TSPOLAFS) reveals legitimate feelings on divorce, remarriage, and funerals .(funny how you get that out of a love story) TSOPLAFS also can be a crutch for people who have been through divorces, funerals, remarriage, and love at first sight.
6.What social inequalities are present in the text and how does it compare to your world?

Image result for the statistical probability of love at first sightThe social inequalities that are present in this book are:  The parents (since they are the boss),  When Hadley finds Oliver the first time it seems like the ball is in Olivers court(giving him the upper hand), Hadley and the rest of the wedding entourge because they are from England and have the advantage of the wedding at their country.

7. How does this relate to your honors reading? 
well based on my previous honors text Dracula: they both involve a love story, feelings of courage, both need the characters to be bold, there is struggle with the characters, there is something creapishly wonderful about both.
8.What if this novel was re-written for today's audiences? What would it look like?
If TSPOLAFS was re-written for today's audience there would be more social media and smart phones involved. Because this book is pretty relevent but to be 'in the day' relevence would involve more technoligy, the main character had a flip phone.

9. In what ways does your life or personality resemble the main character within the text? Compare and contrast.
Hadley and me are alike because we both know the feelings of remarriage, airplane apprehensiveness, the pressure of being on time for a flight, Hadley and I do not have a sense of direction, Our dad's mean a big deal to us.
Hadley and I are different because: I have not been to London, I am not the type to fall in love at first sight, I have never had a parent divorce, Hadley has looser parents(like less strict), Hadley only wanted to spend a 2 days in England but I would want to spend more time there. 
10.Joseph Campbell identified a formula for literiture known as the "Hero's Journey".  How does this text follow the story line?
Based on this :
Call to adventure: Hadley's invitation to the wedding
Threshold: missing her flight
Helper: Oliver (her man!!!)
Challenges and temptations: skipping customs to go wherever Oliver is going, show up late to the wedding, and miss the wedding entirely
Abyss: Meeting Charolette, hearing Charolette talk about a baby
transformation: the mad hunt for Paddington to find Oliver, it is then she realizes it is not that bad
Atonement: Dancing with her dad and telling him she is ok with whatever, finially accepting Charlotte
Return: seeing the pictures of the house and pictures of her in her dad's old office. 
Known:Oliver finding her and realizing she loves him.
Unknown: What her stepmother looks like.

11. Every piece of writing calls the reader to make a change. What change is this author attempting inspire and how is this agenda manifest in the text?
The change is acceptaning the change in her dad's life, also encourageing her mom to say yes when she knows her mom back home will get purposed to. The manifestation is the whole process of falling for Oliver and finding him, it humbles Hadley and makes her realize her life is good and she can accept.

12..How does the protagonist/antagonist change throughout the course of the story?
The antagonist is Hadley's dad, manifested through the divorce, cheating, and remarrying. Hadley realizes that her dad was never the antagonist. The change is more within the protanonist(Hadley) going through a realization process. The protagnist changes by falling in love, realizing her dad is not a bad guy, she realizes her mom was right in saying she would regret it if she did not go, and acceptance.

The overall theme of this book is acceptance, and self realization, and Love! 

Until next time,
Gabrielle Kalea Pauole

Friday, March 6, 2015

Well, I am so sorry about last week. my excuse is SPEECH AND DEBATE took REGION! so i put my aff and neg case.
Neg points
I stand in firm negation for the resolution Just governments ought to ensure food security for their citizens.My value for this round is Justice and my Value Criterion is liberalism.
Liberalism is merriam websters is defined as  a theory  emphasizing individual freedom from restraint and usually based on free competition, the self-regulating market, and the gold standard
The definition of justice is blacks law is Protecting rights and punishing wrongs using fairness. And the proper administration of law.
Definitions  merriam websters  Just government's : (m) a government that is fair to all the people that it governs, follows that which is moral.  
Food security- the state of having reliable access to a sufficient quantity of affordable, nutritious food.
Neg overview-  Commonly, the concept of food security is defined as including both physical and economic access to food that meets people's dietary needs as well as their food preferences. Malnutrition and food borne diarrhea are become double burden. Many people think that food security can solve many things but in reality they can not. Food security is a bad policy across the board. Food security causes unnecessary problems that can lead to economic downfall and the policy of food security not being defective

  1. Food Security violates freedom.The Stanford website states that there are two types of freedom. The most common type of freedom is  defined as freedom from constraint or the interference of others, is the most common type of freedom.  Laissez Faire is a famous world renowned french saying “"Let it be, that should be the motto of all public powers, since the world was civilized ... That we cannot grow except by lowering our neighbors is a detestable notion! Only malice and malignity of heart is satisfied with such a principle and our (national) interest is opposed to it. Let it be, for heaven's sake! Let it be!)  In the Declaration of Independence there is one phrase  "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" ] The quote roots from Humanism which is philosophy that emphasizes the value of individual agency among humans. According to that phrase a just government has no business getting into something that is in mans freedom, they have no business taking away freedom.(which is the laymans definition of liberalism) It is not moral for a just government to take away freedom or agency for food and therefore food security is not moral.
2. There is no such thing as a right to food. 1981 Nobel peace prize winning economist Amartya Sen did a study on the right to food, poverty,  and famine times discovered  through studying  that  hunger in India, China, Bangladesh, and Saharan countries from the 1940s onward. Sen Documented that famines occurred amid ample food supply, even in some countries exporting food. His conclusion was that famine is not a crisis of productivity but a crisis of power within the governments. Sen also concluded that the right to food is only about holding governments responsible for things beyond their ability to address(natural disasters). There is no such thing as a right to food because the human right to food is a scheme to hold governments accountable for things that are beyond anyone's control.  Holding the government responsible for things that they can't control is not moral. It is not an obligation for a just government to provide food security because there is no such thing as a human right to food.  Most people do not even recognize the right to food as a human right. There is no such thing as a human right to food.
A just government is not obligated to provide food security for its citizens because it  does not follow the most internationally recognized form of liberty, there is no such thing as a right to food, and food security is not needed. Liberalism is personal agency, and food security is not worth taking away a right for something that takes away agency . Food security goes against the most common type of liberty which correlates to individual agancy or liberalism.  Food security is not a right, and involves the restriction or removal of a freedom (justice) of agency (liberalsim) which is not just. Food security is not just, therefore the just government is not morally obligated to have it.  The resolution is not moral because it violates the rights of liberalism . Food security is not just because it takes away personal freedom therefore I stand in firm negation that the just governments ought to ensure food security for their citizens.

The cooralation between justice and liberalism is the both deal with rights
I stand in firm affirmation for the resolution just governments ought to ensure food security for their citizens value for this round is Justice and my Value Criterion is social contriact
Social contract in black’s law Dictionary  is defined as an implicit agreement among the members of a society to cooperate for social benefits, organised behaviour in a group or community that is unwritten but agreed upon and establishes responsibilities and rights
The definition of justice is blacks law is the quality of being just, impartial or fair.
Definitions  merriam websters or blacks law
Just government's : (m) a government that is fair to all the people that it governs, following  that which is moral.  
Food security- the state of having reliable access to a sufficient quantity of affordable, nutritious food.(m)
Aff Overview -
Food insecurity affects development because children who are malnourished suffer physical mental, and cognitive damage. Thereby affecting their future and economic well being. For developing countries the effects can impact their ability to raise a productive workforce for generations. While the short term food insecurity effects can lead to conflict and political instability.
Food security is Moral because it is  achieved by social contract through: freedom of want, Food security in times of natural disaster and food security will significantly reduce hunger.
  1. Contention 1. The right to food is a basic human right. Franklin D. Roosevelt gave his famous four freedoms speech His third out of the four essential freedoms was the freedom from want. President Roosevelt said “The third is freedom from want, which, translated into world terms, means economic understandings which will secure to every nation a healthy peacetime life for its inhabitants”.   The Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy (3 best school in United Stated) reported that there are two types of freedom. Positive freedom is the  freedom and ability to pursue one’s goals. Protecting positive liberty means ensuring that every citizen has the basic necessities like education, shelter, healthcare and food. The right to food security is mentioned in several  documents: Internal Law , the Universal Declaration of human rights(art.25), the eternal covenant on economic social cultural rights(art 2), the Declaration of Rights of a child(principle 2& 4), and the Universal declaration on eradication of hunger and malnutrition(section a,f, principle 1,3,5).  All  of these 5  world recognized documents state that there is such thing as a right to food. In the Universal Declaration of human rights article 25 states “Everyone has right two standard of living including food and the right to security of the standard of living" Louise O. Fresco from the University Amsterdam in 2009 said "In the end food security is the responsibility of the state the state has a role in providing the conditions for suitable foods systems" Food security would create a social agreement between the citizens of a just government making it in social contract and therefore, just.  There is such thing as a right to food.The right to food because it is recognized by many world renowned documents.
  2. In times of natural disaster food security will provide food for those who are affected by disaster and are not able to get food. The Just government wherever it is, is obligated  to supply a steady constant food supply for its citizens. Globewire reports that during the Icelandic Volcano eruption the country of Iceland was in havoc and was in desperate need for food, Airplanes were grounded and FOOD and other basic essentials were not making it into Iceland. Food security is a mandatory job for a just government because in the event that there is a natural disaster the government would have means to supply its population with food security until more available.  In matter of natural disaster those affected  own the right to not have to worry about their food. When food security is installed justice is achieved. When those affected by a natural disaster come together to get food social contract is achieved because people come together food is the agreement, social benefits is the food. A Just government is obligated to provide food security because in times of natural disaster the government will have food to feed its citizens  who are trying to rebuild their lives.
  3. On, to my last contention, Food security significantly reduces hunger. 1 billion people or 1 in 4 are starving. Part of a “just” governments job is to help care for its citizens. A just government no matter where it is will have people who are starving, every nation does. It is then in the just governments job description to help the starving.  It is therefore within a just governments job to provide food security because it will reduce hunger significantly. Food security would help reduce hunger because it provides a steady amount of food for the population. The Youth and United Nations states that the number 1 way to end world hunger is by food security . Social Contract and hunger go hand because in social contract people agree to certain standards and rules and since it is within a government's job to provide for the hungry it is moral and in just. Food security is moral because it is a governments job to install it to handle hunger.Food Security is moral because it will reduce hunger in the just government.
In conclusion food security is moral because it is just achieved through social contract. Food security is a basic human right and is mention numerous times as such Internal Law , the Universal Declaration of human rights(art.25), the eternal covenant on economic social cultural rights(art 2), the Declaration of Rights of a child(principle 2& 4), and the Universal declaration on eradication of hunger and malnutrition(section a,f, principle 1,3,5). In the Universal Declaration of human rights. Food security helps reduce hunger. It is within a just governments obligation to have food security because it is a basic human right, food security will provide stability for those in natural disasters, food security will also end hunger. Food security through social contract between the citizens of the just government achieves justice and is so moral.