Thursday, March 19, 2015

For this week's blog post I am going to do something a bit different. In my English class we have been reading Of Mice and Men . In the last chapter something dramatic happens and they way it was written was interesting to me. The way the passage was written(will not post b/c spoilers) was the hard truth, yet sugar coated, it was harsh, yet kind. I am going to minic this sytle of writting by an expierience that I had last night. I was ice skating.

"I get out on the ice and the chill from the surface bites my fingers. My feet shift and slide under the shiny surface. I am confident. I am nervous. My friends grab the shiny wall and hold on for dear life. When my feet gain consiousness I slowley start my way I feel another cold chill as I break the unbroken solid wind. Now my legs gain consiousness. I hear noices of skates coming to a skretching stop. My eyes fill with terror. People are falling with a loud thud. Later on I gain confidence. I welcome the cold chills, and the icy thrills. I spin in circles. I go around the rink and myself spinning in tight circles. I want to show everything that the ice rink means to me. I want them to see the falls, the icy chills, the accidents with the plexi glass, the sharp blade on my skates, the blisters on my feet, the stress knots forming on my neck before each preformance, the yells from my coach, the mess ups, the victories, I want to show them everything the ice rink stands for".

This is harsh, sweet, happy, horrible and sad, it is the emotions.

"It's Great!"

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