Wednesday, October 22, 2014

A continued Summary

      My English teacher informed me that this week we are going to keep reading Frankenstein so for my blog post this week I will be posting a summary of Frankenstein chapters 9-14.

      Chapter 9. Victor and his family are sad and upset at William's passing. Tensions flare and arguments arrouse. Victor and his father are arguing about William and Justine's death. In order for Victor to clear his head he gets on a boat and goes sailing for a while. While sailing Victor has an idea, he wants to go to the valley of Chamounix. Victor had traveled to the valley many times as a child. Victor rents/buys a horse and heads to the valley. When Victor gets to the valley of Chamounix Victor is sad because there are many majestic castles that once were in the valley and the castles are gone.

 Chapter 10- Victor spent the day roaming around, and he finally decides to climb a mountain.He finds a rock overlooking icecaps and a icey river and deciders to sit there. Victor on that rock just thinks and tries to feel at peace. After a while Victor notices a big figure through the fog. The figure is coming toward him. As the figure gets closer Victor realizes that the big figure is his monster(for understanding purposes lets call Victor's monster Frank). Victor sees how truly ugly Frank is. Victor is very scared and tells Frank to go away. Frank threatens to kill Victor and all of Victor's friends if Victor doesn't listen and comply with Frank's conditions. Frank just wants a friend and happiness. Franks also wants Victor to listen to his story of his journey.

Chapter 11- Narrators of the story switch from Victor to Frank.On the night Frank was created there was so much light in the laboratory so Frank leaves the apartment in search of some shade. Frank goes outside looks for some trees to find shelter under then he searches for berries. On Franks search he finds a cloak. Frank puts the cloak on and goes to sleep. When Frank wakes he is wet from the dew over the night. Frank wanders around looking for food and finds a fire. The fire keeps him warm. Out of curiosity Frank sticks his hand into the fire and gets his hand burned**. Frank puts some wood in the fire but the wood is wet so he lets the wood dry. After a few days Frank leaves his fire and goes to look for bigger quants of food. Frank comes upon a village and they village people kick hime out.

Chapter 12- Frank finds another village and finds an empty house. Frank makes that house his home/ Frank observes his neighbors through a whole in the wood-blocked windows. Frank observes the neighbors. Frank steals food from his neighbors and later sees that his neighbors (an old man, young man and young women) suffer because of the lack of food. Frank stops stealing from his neighbors. Frank instead chops wood for his neighbors in the night and leaves it on the doorstep. this later becomes routine. Frank observes his neighbor's names. The old man is named father, the young women is Agatha or sister, and the young man is names Felix or brother. The neighbors read book and Frank slowly leads to speak and things in his neighbors books.

Chapter 13- Felix has a girlfriend, and Arabian women names Safie. Felix teaches her the language(the language that everyone in that area speaks) and Felix gives Safie a history book. Felix and Agatha help Safie understand the book and summarize the book for her. Frank listens as well to the summaries and learns lots about history. Frank learns possessiveness and about children.

Chapter 14- The tale of Frank's neighbors is told. The family once were french dignitaries and through scandals and a turkish man(the man never really did anything wrong) the family is poor. Before the family gets poor the Turkish man had a trail and Felix went to the trial. At the trial Fleix realizes that the man did nothing wrong and tries persistently to free the man. Feliz eventually gets the man free but not before meeting the Turk's daughter Safie. Felix likes Safie and Safies father promises Felix that eventually the two can get married once Felix's home is secure and safe. When the government realizes what Felix did they throw his dad and Agatha in prison.

** If you have ever seen hotel Transalvania you may recall that Frankenstein hates fire and has a terrible fears of fire… well based on burning his hand it makes sense :)

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