Thursday, October 16, 2014


In a word for English .....long. Reading old English is difficult so the majority of the day we read Frankenstein and discuss the book so that the whole class gets what's going on in the book. For my blog post I am going to do a summary of Frankenstein from the beginning  of the book to chapter 8(spoiler alert). I will summarize each chapter in 4-6sentences  (including the letters). I also have to apologize because I did not do this blog post on time because I got a job and got busy

Letter 1- The setting is in St. Petersburg Russia. A group of sailors are on a boat traveling the artic (it was popular then). The captain of the ship R. Walton writes to his sister Margrett in England. R. Walton and his team take a 3 weeks stop in St. Petersburg. R. Walton explains about his previous dreams to be a famous writer like Shakespear.

Letter 2- R. Walton is lonely and not very confident in himself. R. Walton tells his sister that his luetentant is vain. R. Walton thinks he was babied in his youth therefore he isn't prepared for the harsh environment and hard work it is to maintain the ship and crew. R. Walton tells his sister that he wants to make it clear that the expedition is not for glory fame or a reward.

Letter 3- R. Walton is safe and keeps his third letter brief. He expresses his love for his sister. R. Walton tells Margrett that not much has happened since the last letter.

Letter 4- One night the crew was ice trapped and they saw a man on a sled being pulled by dogs which is pretty rare. The following day the crew is still trapped in ice and they are overcome with fog, the crew sees a man with one dog who gets closer and closer to the ship. The team brings the man onboard and over two days the sailors slowly nurse the man back to health. Everyone had lots of questions for the mysterious man. The mysterious man tells the sailors that he is out on the ice "too seek one who fled me". Later R. Walton is alone with the man and the two start talking. R. tells the man that he has a desperate thirst for knowledge. The man scoulds R. Walton and tells R. his tale:

Chapter 1- The point of view is now the mysterious man's story. The man's name is Victor Frankenstein. Frankenstein's dad was a Geneva born dignitary who married significantly later. Victor's father married his best friends daughter. The Frankenstein couple traveled all over Europe and soon Victor was born. One day while visiting a cottage in a Adobe Victor's mother met a poor family with a daughter who was extremely beautiful and didn't quite look like the rest of the family. Victor's mother was smitten by the little girl and so was Victors father. The poor family eventually told the Frankenstein's that they took the girl(Elizabeth) on after Elizabeth's parents died. The Frankstein's asked to take Elizabeth as their own. The family eventually let them.

Chapter 2- Elizabeth was so beautiful and loved by everyone. The Frankenstein's gave birth to another boy named William. Victor was quite older when William was born. Victor went to school and became very good friends with Henry Clerval. Victor was very smart and read lots of books. Victor was interested in natural science. Soon Victor became intreguied with electricity. Victor goes to the University of Ingolstadt.

Chapter 3- Elizabeth catches scarlet fever. Elizabeth's mother cared for her and Elizabeth's mother gets sick with scarlet fever and dies. On her death bed Elizabeth and Victor's mother says that she wants the two to get married. Victor becomes crazy and mad with his studies. His professor M. Krepe tells Victor that all the books that Victor read and liked were garbage. M. Krepe recommends that Victor goes to a lecture by M. Waldman.

Chapter 4-Victor becomes interested in the anatomy of corpses, church yard graves, and how dirt bugs and coffins effect the corpse. Victor's dad becomes very concerned with Victor. Victor has not visited home since he first left to go to the University. Victor digs up corpses in the night from church yards and plays with them.

Chapter 5- Victor makes a monster. Once the monster actually starts moving Victor runs out of his house and walks around scared and worried for most of the night. Victor eventually comes home and he meets Henry Clerval at his house. Henry was sent by Victor's  family because  Frankenstein's think that Victor is sick.The monster is no where in the house when the pair goes back into the house.

Chapter 6- Henry gives Victor a letter from Elizabeth. Elizabeth tells Victor of family updates on William, his dad, their dead aunt, and the cousin that they took on to live with them. Justine is Victors cousin and her mom died of scarlet fever.
Chapter 7- Victor gets a letter from his dad saying that William Victor's little brother was murdered. Victor is very upset and quickly went to Geneva with Clerval. The morning that the pair arrives to Geneva the same mourning when Williams body is laid on the grass of the Frankenstein's home. The suspect for the murder is Justine because she was out visiting a family member that night then the gates to Geneva city got locked so she stayed in a barn all night. That morning was the trial. Victor knows that Justine did not commit the murder. Victor keeps implying that his monster did it.

Chapter 8- The trail doesn't have any factual evidence and Justine remains innocence. Justine has some good friends testify on her behalf of character. Her friends fall under pressure and make Justine look guilty. After some time of the trail Justine sucomes under pressure and she confesses to the crime. Elizabeth is devastated and testifies that Justine did not do it. However Elizabeth's testimony didn't do any good and Justine is hanged the next morning.

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