Thursday, May 7, 2015

Well.... yeah this post is late.... this always is the thing that i forget about. So  I appoligize for the well.... lazyness. This week for my blog post I am going to do a imitation of Shakespear about going to the store.

But once once hault my car did do. At legnth The walk met me. The glass met me with much suprise. The palace was overwelmingly grand for there were everything we imagine'd. Everything that be -th there was also stringy and overwelmingly written. The car for the palace to the lockerroom it belongs. The circles rotate and spin around- to haul the artifacts we found. We took those precious nessities and to the out we went. We had to go to buy the palace. For our money was gone and aweful quick. we left no moneys in our pit.-

see you guys next week

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